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Original Presentation Box
In slightly cellar damaged original presentation box
Label: lightly soiled
Label: lightly stained
Label: slightly cellar damaged
Label: slightly cellar damaged, Ullage: very high shoulder
In original slightly damaged presentation box
Original Wood Box
Label: back label damaged
Label: lightly stained, Ullage: very high shoulder, Evidence of very slow leak thru pinhole in top of capsul
Original Wood Box, Bottle Number 270
Original Wood Box, Bottle Number 10, Paramedic Clinic January 2018
Label: slightly cellar damaged, Ullage: high shoulder
Label: slightly cellar damaged, Capsule: damaged, Ullage: mid shoulder, Evidence of leakage
Label: slightly cellar damaged, Capsule: evidence of leakage
Label: slightly cellar damaged, Capsule: corroded, Ullage: high shoulder
Label: moderately damaged, Capsule: damaged
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