What a bargain!!.a magnum of coonawarra's greatest cabernet savignon for under $200.owning a bottle of John Riddoch is like doing 'hard time!!'-10 to 15 years.a magnum is 25 to life.i recently enjoyed a magnum of JR 1993 a lesser vintage,& it was wonderful.still 5 years from its peak.whenever i want to impress an overseas guest i reach for a JR.It is the finest expression of coonawarra cabernet. the upfront explosion of euclyptus,followed immediately with the more subtle notes of menthol,& mint.the piercing dry length that seems to last eons, as it penetrates your torso,& fills you with a lovely smooth warmth,through it's rich, balanced, full, dark fruit.this wine is a masterpiece without compromise.a great australian.
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