It's funny how pleasurable experiences often happen when you've gone in with no preconceptions, and you just enjoy the moment as it happens. Cheap 10 year old Grenache? Wonder how that's gonna be. Light reddish brown hue gave me few clues. Jammy nose, but not exploding out of the glass, presumably a few notches down from how it was at release. No bad thing. Simple jammy taste, and decent length of finish, with a nice drying savoury twist at the end. Light to medium bodied, very easy and enjoyable to drink. The better half recommends it too, and then she gave me a classic "you're kidding me" look straight back when I told her how cheaply it could be had. 84 points if taking the cellarit scale literally, but enjoyment far above that.
- Rating: 84 (Average for all reviewers 84)
- Drink: Drink Now